Aloe Vera
Bee Products
I.A.S.C. (International Aloe Sience Council)
Beware of cheap offers. Ensure that your Aloe products carry the Certificate of purity from the IASC. This is your gaurantee the Quality of the product is more than just an advertising slogan on the product packaging.
4 Seals, 4 times more Security
To weed out the black sheep from their ranks, the USA established an organisation called the "National Aloe Science Council", later the called the "International Aloe Science Council" (IASC), a federation of Aloe Vera Farmers, Processors, Manufacturers of consumer products, Marketing companies, Doctors, Scientists and researchers. This councils goal is to monitor the manufacture of Aloe Vera products and develope up measurable standards for high quality raw materials and finished products. Additionally the council members agreed to comply with a Code of Ehtics for best business practices.
Quality Guidelines
Doctor Diehl of the Kologne Spektral Service Laboratory, in Germany has also made important contribution to the creation of Quality Guidelines by developing a way to differentiate between imitation Aloe or bad Aloe Vera and true Aloe-Vera.
High Purity
Because of the high level of purity in their production process, and the superior combining of ingredients, Forever Living Products have earned the quality seals of approval from other organisations, and enjoy a high level of trust among their clients worldwide.
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