Aloe Vera
The company
Forever Living Products was founded in May of 1978 by Rex Maughan in Pheonix, Arizona - USA. The company's goal is to establish Aloe Vera as a significant healthy nutritional supplement for daily use and make the Aloe Fitness drinks available to every one, worldwide. In it's first year FLP acheived over 1 Million USD in sales with just a small product offering of Aloe Vera Gel for drinking, Aloe Gelly and other lotions. in 2001 Forever Living Products achieved a sales volume of 1.3 Billion USD worldwide. Forever Living Products is a privately held company.
Stringent Standards
Forever Living Products holds numerous patents for the production of purest Aloe Vera. It comes as no suprise that FLP was the first company to meet up to all of the stringent quality standards of the International Aloe Science Council. FLP products have also been awarded the Kosher and Islamic seals of approval.
The "Arthur Andersen Arizona 100 Rankings"
Forever Living Products is ranked number one among private companies in Arizona for the sixth time.
How we do this
How do we manage to acheive number one status year after year in these uncertain times? The quote from Walt Whitman could provide an explanation for this phenomenon: "There is one man in the world who will not fail no matter where he finds himself. A lucky hand guides him in a lively city or there where the farmers make their hay, he is always welcome in sandy deserts or in the deepest forest - wherever he goes he is welcome. It the man who delivers goods"
That's it: We are delivering goods from our flowering fields of Aloe, to unlimited possibilities for everyone who wants to realize their dreams. We deliver these goods everytime we share our business opportunity with others and they realize success they have never before acheived. We are delivering these goods when someone uses our produts and they experience the healthy advantage of a Forever -Lifestyle.
Wie are providers when we meet each other at Rallys and acknowlegde communally "We can do it !" and in so doing motivate and inspire others to realize their dreams in the same way!
You are important
You all are an important part of our success. For this I express my deepest gratefulness and appreciation. A companyis nothing without people like you, whose time, talent, and inestimable trust contributed to continued success. the stock market can crash, and unemployment can rise - we can continue to work together, and feel secure in the fact that Forever Living Products -- to the joybof millions of people worldwide-- will continue to deliver the goods. You can depend on that.

Yours Truly Rex Maughan
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